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This is where your lean, hard body and fit lifestyle begin. Whether you want to lose weight, get totally ripped, or just get healthy.

Michael Ego muscle building and weight loss program conceived by Tony Horton. The program is different from conventional methods of burning fat and building muscle. You don't need to use expensive weight machines and you don't need to go to the gym. You do need a chin-up bar and that's it for the equipment. Everything else that you need is already in your body.

Two Critical Elements

The most critical element of the program is your time. You need to commit to one hour a day for six days of the week. If you want to get fit and lose weight in 90 days and can spend the time then the Michael Ego program is for you. It is easier if you could set aside the same hour every day and have no distractions. Just tell your friends and loved ones not to call then because you working on getting a ripped body.

Another critical element is nutrition, in order to lose weight and build a ripped body you must feed it the nutrients that it needs. In order for those muscles to grow and get sculpted the right foods must be consumed. A dietary guide comes with the plan and a fitness calendar. After all, getting a beautiful beach body and losing weight is having the right diet. You have heard the phrase "you are what you eat" and don't believe the lie that "as long as I'm working out it won't hurt to eat junk food".

Plateaus Can Occur

If you are exercising on your own without a structured program, many programs do this also, you may be doing the same exercises over and over again. The weight will start to come off and your muscles will build up and you will feel stronger. However, after some time the exercises will become easy and you'll breeze through them. Your muscles get used to the exercises and adapt to them. After a while, the weight loss begins to slow down and you hit a plateau where the weight loss stops altogether. These plateaus can last for months unless your exercise program has plateau busters built into it.

Muscle Confusion

Tony Horton came up with the term "muscle confusion". This is where the workouts are varied so the body cannot adapt to the routine. Your muscles can't get used to the exercises because they are worked differently. Plateaus are virtually eliminated because there are always new exercises to work on.

If you really desire to get a sexy beach body and are willing to spend the time, change your diet, and do the workouts then Michael Egois the structured program that you need. It is a proven program that has worked for thousands of people.






The concept of “shocking” your muscles into growth is one of the oldest maxims in fitness—but that’s because it’s sound advice. If you’ve hit a plateau in gaining size and strength, it’s time to try this time-tested wisdom out and get into something new. I’ll show you what this means over the next eight weeks, using a classic training strategy that will jolt your body into growth all summer.

How It Works

You’re going to spend one month training with heavy weights, low reps, and a low volume of sets. The following month, you’ll lighten the load, raise the reps, and up the sets. Heavy lifting is very draining, sending the signal that your body needs all its reserves to adapt to stress. When that stress is suddenly removed, your muscles are free to grow faster.


The program has two four-week phases, each containing four workouts.

Time Needed:

45–60 min.

How to Do It:

Alternate sets of the “A” and “B” exercises. The remaining exercises are straight sets. In Phase I, you’ll do three sets of four to six reps for each exercise and rest 90–120 seconds.

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